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  • Wharfedale Naturalists

Saturday 17th August, 10:00am

Birding - North Cave Wetlands YWT Reserve.

A mixture of shallow and deep-water lakes with wide margins and islands, reedbeds, grassy banks and meadows, hedgerows and wooded fringes. 5 hides and easy walking. Meet 10am at reserve car park SE886328.

Please ensure you ring the Leader if planning to attend and cancel explicitly if you need to to do so. Please car-share if possible. Meet at site at time stated. Bring lunch, if desired. Bring RSPB /YWT card where appropriate. More details and directions from Leader.

Leader David Smith - 07773 716930

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Thursday 25th July, 10:00am

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Saturday 27th July, 10:00am

Summer visits - Snaizeholme, Hawes. Visit to see this Woodland Trust site being managed for climate and wildlife (inc. red squirrels and black grouse). Meet/park 10am at Hawes car park or adjacent Gay

Thursday 8th August, 10:00am

Botany (Thursdays) - Denton Moor, Dearncomb survey. Meet 10am Moorside Farm, park in yard SE141503. Please car-share if possible - ring Bruce, or meet at venue. Bring packed lunch. Boots /wellies usua

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