aidan123456Tuesday 28th January, 7:30pmTuesday Evening Meetings, Christchurch, The Grove, Ilkley'Climate Change in Wharfedale Deep Time’ Prof. Rob Knipe, WNS member
Tuesday Evening Meetings, Christchurch, The Grove, Ilkley'Climate Change in Wharfedale Deep Time’ Prof. Rob Knipe, WNS member
Saturday 25th January, 11:00amBirding - St Aidan’s RSPB Reserve. Meet 11:00am at Reserve SE 398287. Please ring Leader if planning to attend. Meet at site at times...
Tuesday 11th February, 7:30pmWEBINAR Tuesday Evening Meetings 'Butterflies and Their Associated Plants’ Nyree Fearnley, WNS Butterfly Recorder
Tuesday 25th February, 7:30pmTuesday Evening Meetings, Christchurch, The Grove, Ilkley 'Righting River Habitat Wrongs for Wildlife' Prof. Jonny Grey, Research &...