aidan123456Tuesday 11th March, 7:30pmTuesday Evening Meetings, Christchurch, The Grove, IlkleyRecorders’ EveningA selection of Recorders’ highlights
Tuesday Evening Meetings, Christchurch, The Grove, IlkleyRecorders’ EveningA selection of Recorders’ highlights
Tuesday 24th September, 7:30pmTuesday Evening Meetings, Christchurch, The Grove, Ilkley 'The Fascinating World of Fungal Diseases’ Sue Stevens, WNS member Interval...
Tuesday 8th October, 7:30pmWEBINAR Tuesday Evening Meetings ‘Indonesia - Sailing from Bali to Komodo’ Sara Frost, Tour Leader, Naturetrek
Sunday 13th October, 10:00amFungus Foray - Swinsty, with Fungus expert Andrew Woodall Meet 10:00 am Swinsty Moor Car Park (parking charges apply) SE 187537, Bring...